Looking Forward to the Joy in this Journey!

What a year that was! Review the news headlines, scroll through your social media account or look back through your day planner and you will be reminded of the events of the year. I don’t know about your 2024, but I’m not even sure calling it a roller coaster ride would be an adequate description of the last 12 months in my life. However, remembering how we responded to those events frames our thoughts as we close out this year.
What were some of the highlights?
What challenges did you face?
How did you grow?
Where did you see God’s hand in your life?
The answers to those questions are much different for each of us because the events are not exactly alike for any of us and our responses to those events are as unique as we are as individuals.
Reflecting on the past leads to thoughts of something new for the future.
I am a planner. I like to know how the day will go and what to expect at the end of it. I like that to extend to my months and years as well. If 2024 taught me anything, it was that I am not in control of anything except my attitude and whether or not I choose to trust God and His plan for me.
2025 will be a very different year. They are all different. There will be victories to celebrate, there will be heartache to endure, there will be opportunities to throw in the towel or to grow in our faith.
What do you hope to achieve in the new year?
I am not one to set New Year’s Resolutions, but I do love to set my sights on some kind of personal growth and spiritual development.
Last year I committed to daily Bible Study. Not that Bible Study hasn’t been important to me. I have always read my Bible, but this year I dove in more deeply to discover the depth of the love and compassion that my Heavenly Father has for me. It was a non-negotiable commitment to personal relationship building with the One who loves me unconditionally. Did I hit it every single day? I didn’t, but I didn’t throw in the towel. Diving into study of the attributes of God helped me to understand the love and grace He has for me as His daughter, even with my many shortcomings.
For 2025, I have set my sights on encouraging you to see yourself as God sees you, how He shows us the reality of who He is in our lives every single day and to feel His peace, His love, and a freedom that can’t be explained as we live one day at a time in devotion to Him. I hope to encourage you to seek His presence daily so that you can experience the joy that He intends for our journey.

“Lord, as we enter this new year, we humbly come before you. We thank you for your constant love and guidance. We acknowledge our need for your wisdom and strength.
Guide our steps and direct our paths. Help us to live lives that reflect your glory. Give us the courage to face challenges with grace and the compassion to serve others.
We pray for peace in our world and for an end to suffering. May your love shine through us, bringing hope and healing to all.
In your holy name, we pray. Amen.”